Tuesday 10 September 2013

So I've been in Vietnam for just over a month and have decided to keep a blog so that anyone not on Facebook (primarily for my Dad) can keep up to date with my adventures and photos from my time out here!

This last month has been a crazy roller coaster! I'm sure I can't possibly summarise everything I've been up to, but here are some of the highlights...

Arriving at my apartment (it's since started to look slightly more like home)...

Meeting lots of lovely new friends...

Having lots of drinks with new friends...

Going to karaoke and singing to our heart's content...

Exploring the city...

...and learning to cross the roads! Yes Dad, you may think you taught me this when I was two...but nothing prepares you for this! Here's a video link to try to explain! Click on the picture to view it.

Visiting the Mekong Delta...

And of course, the teaching. 16 children and a full time TA...what's more to say? Absolutely loving it :-)
Here are my lovely class. They're mainly Vietnamese, but we also have a few from South Korea, two from India and one from Australia. We have a class blog that's updated with pictures, videos, information etc...the link for it is at the bottom of my blog if you're interested.

Here's hoping the next month will be as action packed!

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