Sunday 30 March 2014

22nd February- A visit to a nearby orphanage

Today some of us (teachers and students) visited a local orphanage, Ky Quang. It is situated around a pagoda and is mainly for children with disabilities. It apparently didn't originally start out as an orphanage, but became one over time, by default, as more and more children started being left there. They have little in terms of resources- babies supplies, toys, clothes, medical supplies, or trained help are all extremely limited or non-existent, and lots of the help with playing with the children and assisting in the day to day running of the centre is led by under qualified volunteers. It was so sad to see so many children cramped into such small spaces, mostly with very visible physical disabilities, some tied to beds etc.

We worked with the physically able children and had planned activities, which the children rotated around. I taught them to make friendship bracelets, which they loved, although I wasn't quite so prepared for so many young faces, who were all eager to make several, and take more threads away to make I'll know to take a larger box of resources next time!!

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