Sunday 30 March 2014

My birthday!

I had an amazing birthday, which stretched over a whole week! Firstly, I returned to Phu Quoc, the gorgeous island, where you stay in mud huts on the beach (complete with sunsets, sunbathing, scrummy food, cocktails, massages etc!). 

Then, on my actual birthday, we went for a gorgeous meal at Shri, with amazing views overlooking the city. The menu and drinks had even been specially picked out just for me!

On the Friday a group of us stayed in and had a games night, then on the Saturday it was BBQ time! Whilst Lucy prepared food, the girls took me for a massage in District 2...bliss!

The BBQ had been a right nightmare to get hold of, as the ones for sale in the city all seem to be gas or electric, and people who had charcoal ones had told us they'd ordered from Amazon in advance! Anyway, after what seemed like millions of random trips in taxis following people's advice and addresses they'd given to us, a lady at school offered to hunt me one down! She'd warned me it would be big, but I was so relieved to have finally found one (after inviting 30 people to a BBQ!) that I was over the moon with it!

Knowing that I loved ice cream, the CP lot had all chipped in and bought me a Baskin and Robbins ice cream cake. Such a lovely thought, however they ordered it for Friday, forgetting that nobody had a freezer big enough to store it in! We all enjoyed digging it to the slush regardless :-)

The day was fab, and we followed it by karaoke and drinks in town. I had cards and gifts sent over from UK too which made it even more special!

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