Sunday 20 April 2014

A weekend in Hoi An...

Hoi An is an ancient town, in South-East Vietnam, whose name translates as 'peaceful meeting place'. The only downside to our weekend visit was that it was too short!

After living in HCMC for 8 months, it was such a breath of fresh air (literally!), with traffic and pollution being almost non-existent!

We stayed in a lovely hotel, Essence, which had been recommended by friends.

We didn't do much other than potter up and down the little streets, stopping off at various points to take pictures...

...and visiting lots of tea rooms and coffee shops on the way! Our favourite was the 'Reaching Out' cafe, which was ran by hearing and speech impaired staff, and was a lovely and peaceful setting to take a break.

At night, the town was beautifully lit up with colourful lanterns. It also happened to be 'Earth Hour', a worldwide movement, which encourages individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their lights for one hour, between 8:30 and 9:30pm. We weren't aware of this until we found ourselves trying to work around a restaurant menu with just a tea light candle! During this time, small lanterns were also sold in the street and were placed down to float along the was beautiful!

Sunday was spent on the beach, before a late flight home. A lovely, relaxing weekend!

PS..the best bit? Having these made!! :-)

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