Monday 14 October 2013

A weekend of mourning...or not!

So General Vo Nguyen Giap passed away on 4 October, aged 102 years old. As he was held in very high esteem in Vietnam, a two day state funeral was arranged. Our principal sent us all an emailing telling us that "He was best known as the Commander in Chief of the Vietnam People’s Army at the battle of Dien Bien Phu when the French colonisation of Vietnam was finally ended and throughout the war with America. He was widely regarded as a tactical military genius and is historically significant in world terms".

Because of the 2 day funeral, lots of entertainment activities, like the Oktoberfest, were cancelled. Night clubs were shut, and small bars and restaurants were kept open but without any live music playing. So although Lucy was arriving on the Friday, I half expected it to be a chilled weekend with not too much going didn't quite work out like that...whoops!!

Friday night was great- met Lucy at the airport and got a takeaway. Saturday daytime was quite chilled...other than a potter to the shops, we didn't get up to too much. It was Nicola's 30th, so although we'd celebrated it last week at the pirate bar (I made a mosaic mirror), 

we had a birthday cake and a few drinks at mine, before heading out to The Deck. 

We had a fab night, including watching the sunset from a private boat, having a lovely meal overlooking the river, enjoying the 2-4-1 cocktails, and heading over to Jon and Zaya's for their party (indoors due to the list of do's and don'ts we'd been sent from the principal!).

On Sunday, we continued the weekend of drinking by celebrating Emma's birthday at the all you can eat and drink Intercontinental buffet! So the weekend of none partying, dancing or drinking etc, which I had originally thought would be happening, ended with heading to bed at 4pm on a Sunday night with the room spinning! A great weekend! Now on the count down to half term...only 1 week at school to go!

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