Sunday 27 October 2013

Saigon-Long Hai-Mui Ne

So I did my second easy rider last weekend...I didn't think much could top the original one, but was amazing!

On Friday, Spencer and Lou met us at our apartments and we travelled from HCMC to Long Hai. We did a short boat crossing and a few stop offs for drinks on the way (including one very long stop when one of the bikes broke down!)

On the Saturday, we made our way from Long Hai across to Mui Ne. 

We visited a few places on the way, including some sand dunes, a dragon fruit farm, and some caves/tunnels where, back in the war, people hid away from everyone, including their families, for years.

We walked up to the top of the mountains to a pagoda overlooking the villages and the was beautiful. We met a lovely old man there..

He reminded me of the Indonesian character in Eat, Pray, Love who advises Julia Roberts!

From there, we visited a fishing village, and ate the most amazing meal, freshly caught and cooked for us. It was a random set up, with people sleeping all over the place...apparently they paid to lie down in the cafe/guest house for the week whilst they were visiting the local temple.

We visited Tien Thanh beach with beautiful views and special rock cliff formations (interestingly shaped!!) and then ended the day watching the sunset from the temples.

Our hotel in Mui Ne was lovely...first chance to deep our feet in the ocean since arriving in Vietnam too!

On Sunday, we travelled back from Mui Ne to HCMC.
We visited the whale monument, which holds the biggest whale skeleton in Asia. Here, they believe that whales are sacred, as they protect the fishermen in the storm. They hold big funerals when a whale dies!

We also visited the Binh Chau hot springs, where we could buy eggs and watch them boil within minutes in the fresh spring water. Although it was interesting, it was a bit disappointing how commercialised they'd made it looked more like a theme park than a place where natural springs are found!

We finished the day by visiting a local meditation centre. A lovely, calming atmosphere! What a beautiful weekend!

Next stop...Phu Quoc!!

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