Sunday 27 October 2013

Phu Quoc

We had a five days away in Phu Quoc. It's a beautiful island in the Gulf of Thailand, about 45 mins on a plane from HCMC.

We stayed at Mango Bay, which was lovely, and some of the others stayed next door at Coco Palm. 

Our cabin was quite open, with an open ceiling and an outdoor bathroom, meaning we shared it with lots of 'friends'!

The food at the hotel was lovely and you could sit watching the fishermen at work whilst munching away!

We spent one of the days on a snorkelling/fishing trip in the south.

Lots of people tried out the sea urchins but I gave them a miss!

We also rented out a kayak for an afternoon and made full use of the spa facilities for massages, but other than that, it was just a lovely week of sunbathing and chilling! To say I had a fab week on an island with friends, I don't seem to have taken any pictures of people, or the island for that matter...whoops...although a sign of a good holiday I suppose! Back at work now after a lovely chilled week away...dreaming of the next one!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you ate having the time of your life love.
